About Yarock
Cannabis Manufacturing Expertise
At YAROCK, we are entering the cannabis manufacturing industry with a strong commitment to excellence. Powered by IMP, our dedication to compliance, quality, and innovation is unwavering. We aim to become a trusted partner for cannabis packaging, importation, clinical supply, stability, and manufacturing services, offering fresh perspectives and expertise in this evolving field.
Cannabis Packaging
Packaging is more than just a container; it's a vital part of ensuring that medical cannabis reaches patients safely and effectively. At YAROCK, powered by IMP, we have harnessed our expertise to offer cutting-edge solutions in cannabis packaging.
Yarock, powered by IMP, holds an IMC-GMP license issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health. We specialize in medical cannabis packaging of both large stocks, as well as custom packaging, designed and created by our in-house packaging experts. Our packaging experts are knowledgeable and experienced with choosing the best materials for your packaging needs and in creating a pack optimized to your target customer.